Rs. 5,250.00
 All Products,Back Sealer,Marble Sealants

Water based impregnating system for back side or top of granite or marble. 5 Litre.


All seal is water based ready to use impregnating system for back side or top of granite or marble. This product characterizes water, oil repellent effect, water and dirt resistant. This allows the stone to breathe and will not form any layer over the surface of the stone. It is non-yellowing and weather resistant product.

Method of Application

  1. Apply ‘All Seal’ on clean and dry surface with a brush or a roller.
  2. Allow to penetrate inside the porous surface.
  3. After 10 to 15 minutes remove the excess material with absorbent cloth.
  4. If the surface is more absorbent, repeat the process two to three times.
  5. Buff the surface with ‘P5’ buffing pad or any other buffing pad when applied on top.


Product Details

Country of Origin India
Color Clear
Form Liquid, water based
Unit pack 5 Litre
Category Back and top sealant

Key features

  1. Water repellent and dirt resistant.
  2. Suitable for all type of marble and granite.
  3. Can be applied on the top surface also on all types of coloured marble and granite (except the sand stone).