7221 EPOXY 1.25 KGS SET

24% off
Rs. 2,530.00 Rs. 1,933.00

An epoxy system for semiprecious stone slab processing. 1kg of resin and 250gm of hardener.


Epoxy system is specially for semiprecious stone and modeling, this resin system provides perfect impregnation of the surfaces. Producing great adhesion to the stone without bubbles or shrinkage effect. It has extra low yellowing effect under daily sun exposure and provides high hardness.

Method of Application

  1. Prepare the bed to make semi-precious stone slab and preheat it to 30-40°C temperature.
  2. Spread the semi-precious stones throughout the bed.
  3. Heat resin and hardener separately in water bath at 35-40°C.
  4. Mix resin and hardener in 4:1 ratio and pour in the bed to the required level.
  5. This will dry in 8 hours and we can polish the surface after 72 hours.


Product Details

Country of Origin Europe
Color – Resin (A part) Very Clear
Color – Hardener (B part) Very Clear
Form - Resin Liquid
Form - Hardener Liquid
Ratio 4:1
Resin 4 part
Hardener 1 part
Viscosity at 25°C (in cps) Resin Hardener 300 - 90
Gel time at 20°C the mixture 2.5 hours
Drying time/moving of slab 45°C 8 hours
Polishing of surface After 72 hours
Unit pack 1kg of resin and 250gm of hardener
Category Epoxy system for semi- precious stone slab

Key features

  1. Best epoxy system for making semi precious stone slab.
  2. Provides great adhesion to the stones without bubbles or shrinkage.
  3. Absolutely clear with low yellowing properties.